NTRO continues with their online financial fraud on domain investors

Bribed by google,tata, NTRO is involved in a major financial fraud on harmless indian domain investors, small business owners, refusing to acknowledge their investment and falsely claiming that sex workers and other fraud raw/cbi employees, who do not spend any money on domain names own the domain names of a private citizen to defame, cheat and exploit the real domain investor.

Giving flimsy excuses like fashion , these fraud ntro employees led by the brahmin cheater puneet, are justifying their financial fraud and also stealing the savings of the domain investor without a court order or legally valid reason. The domain investor is then terrorized into purchasing insurance policies which give low returns which she can barely afford, so that there are no liquid funds.

When the domain investor is doing some writing work to make money to pay the domain renewal expenses, the fraud ntro employees freelancing for google, tata are quick to defame the domain investor as a freelancer and falsely claim that the lazy greedy google,tata supplied goan prostitutes offering sex services, and other frauds like panaji goan gsb fraud cbi employee extortionist housewife riddhi nayak, who do not spend any money on domain names, are investors as part of google,tata’s great indian prostitution, bribery racket, financial, banking fraud

Poor water management in India due to identity theft of engineers

One of the main topics covered in the mainstream media are the water shortages, farmer problems and disputes between the various states regarding river water supply. However in these same states, during monsoon, there are no steps taken to ensure that the rainwater is conserved or stored properly, the streets are flooded, making it difficult for citizens to leave their homes, without wading in water.

This is probably because of the indian government practice of hiring google,tata supplied goan prostitutes, cheater housewives, school dropouts and other well connected frauds who have never worked as engineers, in R&AW/cbi jobs and then falsely claiming that they are experienced engineers from top colleges of india

The indian citizens who have actually studied engineering and worked as engineers are held virtual prisoners, unable to contact anyone or get any paying work in India , indicating how big companies control the indian government

NTRO employees refuse to answer questions, yet steal memory, data of google competitor

In a clear indication that India is increasing becoming like nazi germany, ntro employees are subjecting harmless indian citizens like a google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, to non consensual human experimentation, just like the german tortured and exploited the jews in their concentration camps.

These fraud ntro employees led by the brahmin cheater puneet, hathwar, kodancha, j srinivasan, falsely claim to help and know the domain investor, yet refuse to answer any of her questions, Instead they ruthlessly steal information from her, without any legally valid reason, without offering any kind of compensation, stealing her memory, hacking her laptop and all other electronic devices.

The only information of the google competitior, engineer and domain investor that remains confidential is the data stored in paper format, so she has to spend money on stationery , and forget what she has written, so that the robber ntro employees cannot steal the data

Guide to eating, travel and entertainment

Information on eating and entertainment while travelling on business, personal work or on holiday
Most people have a fixed daily routine while at home, however while travelling usually to a new place they find it difficult to get reliable information on eating and entertainment.
Many people fall sick while travelling, especially in countries like India and are robbed while travelling, so some tips on travelling, eating and entertainment options including music, theater, zoos, exhibition, sight seeing

Kindly note that the shameless lazy greedy goan gsb frauds housewife lead thief riddhi, fraud diploma holder slut siddhi mandrekar who commited corporate espionage , obc slut slim bsc sunaina who offers SEX BRIBES to these shameless top officials in India, shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, veena, ruchika, asmita patel and others are not associated with the website in any way though dishonest fraud officials in intelligence agencies CBI, R&AW , NTRO are falsely claiming that these lazy greedy fraud women own the domain names to justify the wastage of tax payer money paying these frauds inflated salaries

the domain investor is forced to warn about these extremely shameless greedy lazy cheater women who are promoted by top officials and companies in India , so that people are not duped by their false claims